
Friday, May 12, 2017

Cleveland Fashion Ideas on How to wear Shorts in Spring

Streetfashionista Ambassador Renate @ the 'Q' 
making the shorts-and-tights trend super fancy,
 with Cleveland Cavaliers wine colored tights
 and sequined sweater vest, warm poncho,
newsboy hat and boots. 

For obvious reasons, shorts are traditionally a fashion statement for warmer weather, but here on the North Coast in Cleveland, where a prolonged chilly winter gives way to a late Summer, shorts in Spring can become a necessary fashion item for women who want Winter to end.  

Unlike the Bavarian Lady's who wear short Lederhosen all year round, most Women in Cleveland put away their shorts before the cold fall and winter days, opting for jeans, pants, and tights instead until the hot summer sun prompts us to bring them back out. Except…we don’t really have to do that, because it’s totally possible to wear shorts in the Spring and make them look amazing. And warm, because that is clearly the most important thing on a sunny but cold day in Cleveland.

I’ve seen a lot of people pull off the shorts-and-tights (strumphosen) trend with ease, managing to look put-together and effortlessly styled at the same time. I have tried this myself and I kind of feel like it can be pulled off by anyone who is scared by the idea. But these outfit ideas below might change your mind. From distressed blue denim shorts worn with dainty heels to more formal shorts paired with cardigans, these looks are unexpected, fun, and refreshingly unique during a pre-summer season when it sometimes feel like we’re all too bundled up. 

Here are some fashion ideas on how to wear shorts in spring that will inspire you to take yours out of the drawer before July 4th!

Huggs~  Ambassador Renate 

Katy Mielrose wears a colorful outfit featuring denim and black white spotted tights
Leather always looks good no matter what the season!
Mia Chen sports the glamorous look and stays warm with an over sized scarf to stay warm no matter how cold the winds blow on Play House Square.
You don’t have to do blue or black shorts!
Betty Anderson makes this mauve pair looks awesome with black patterned tights at the Galleria.
Danielle Reedy adding more shorts and tights - love at the Asian Festival! 
Eurostyle Fruhling ensemble from Maria Donnellan at the Library.
Sneakers, poncho, braun kurze hose schwarz strumpfhose
Denim shorts sometimes look better with stocking than with tights.
Karen Davis adds brown booties with a beige jacket, and she has an easy, cozy outfit.
Make your outfit stand out with fancy tights that have an unusual color pattern on them, like India Keyes has with these animal prints. 
Welche Shorts für welche Figur?
So kombiniert ihr Shorts richtig!Inspiration gefällig?
Das sind die schönsten Looks mit Shorts für JEDE Wetterlage!
Kelly Laret - Das ist zwar keine Jeans Shorts, aber die Kombi würde bestimmt
auch mit ner Shorts + Strumpfhose

Heels and booties look good with shorts, but you can go with
white sneakers, which make a good contrast! Tight denim
shorts look very trendy with black motorcycle jacket and
white sneakers, wear a warm sweater,
and you’re good to go.

Terry Campell shows that even super short shorts can work -
especially when you add layers on top.

Looking forward to summertime in the Sun with the dogs.
Becky Hewitt dons the casual look at Breyers Pond and still looks chic.


Dracha Arendee said...

Has anyone else noticed what an amazing First Lady of Peace Ambassador Renate has been? She is stunningly beautiful ... she visits with children in around the globe and speaks their language of peace and goodwill to them ... one of her many attributes... she put the Worlds Children first and has made living decisions for them as her priority ... she wears the most amazing ... culturally appropriate ... clothes on her international travels. She is striking the right balance of being an American Cultural Ambassador we can be proud of ... while also not injecting herself into the spotlight. She is an icon of class, style and power. She has been perfect and I love her.

Ilsa Mayer said...

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