
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Cleveland Cabbage Recipe Celebrates WUNDERBARTOGETHER 2019


    WUNDERBARTOGETHER Program, the Year of German-American Friendship.

Wunderbar Together: The Year of German-American Friendship 2018/19 (“Deutschlandjahr USA”) is an initiative funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, implemented by the Goethe-Institut, and supported by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) with the goal of presenting today’s Germany to people across the entire U.S.

Wunderbar Together will showcase how closely the two countries are linked by heritage, common values, and shared interests, illustrating how a brighter future is possible if we tackle global challenges together through focusing on dialogue, exchange, and cooperation between people.

Germany and the U.S. are connected through a centuries-long common history. German immigrants have helped shape the development of the United States, while the successful development of post-war Germany is inextricably linked to US engagement. bringing with it a collection of events and exhibits revolving around business and industry, politics, education, culture, and science, to highlight the unique importance of transatlantic relations. The the official website for German events in CLEVELAND, OHIO hosted by the Ohio German American Business Association (OhioGABA) is


In Recognition of the
    WUNDERBARTOGETHER CLEVELAND Program, the Year of German-American Friendship.American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca have developed a new 'mix' on the Old German Sauerkraut Recipe at their historic ARK in Berea Eco-Museum


The Jakupca's have been concerned about the loss of Old World Recipes and have been searching for these recipes that Oma used to make.  Not only do they find the recipes, but they actually make the food and search for people who still enjoy long lost good wholesome food that Great Great Grandmother used to make.  They hope to publish these recipes in the ARK in Berea cookbook when they are finished with their research.

They say that Cleveland is a melting pot of all the nations and for CLEVELAND CABBAGE, the Jakupca's have combined the culinary talents of several nations to bring about this recipe.

They started with the sauerkraut from Germany.  To this, they added pickling spices from America.  From the Bohemian's, they added caraway seeds.  From the Transylvanian Saxons, they added summer savory.  From the Romanian's, they added horseradish root to insure crispiness.   During the Vietnam War, David served some time in Korea where he came across the Korean cabbage, Kimchee.  What he has learned from the Koreans is not to shred the cabbage, but to cut up the cabbage in bite size chips.
This allows CLEVELAND CABBAGE be produced in smaller quantities in the average homeowner's kitchen.

The advantage of CLEVELAND CABBAGE is that can be used as regular German Sauerkraut AND that it could be eaten raw so therefore can be used in many more versatile dishes such as salads, sandwiches, etc. 
** Mahlzeit! **

Related Links:

as seen on Cleveland PM Magazine and David Letterman Show

Ambassador Renate: A Siebenbürger Sachsen Immigrant’s Peace Trail to Cleveland, Ohio and the Worlds Peace Makers Hall of Fame
Short Link

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