
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Quotes for Living in Peace Every Day by Ambassador Renate Jakupca

Quotes for Living in Peace Every Day by Ambassador Renate Jakupca

Enjoy the best Ambassador Renate's Peace and Iceality Quotes and Share with your friends.

"Living courageously means being bold in pursuit of Peace through Iceality, following your heart, taking some risks, and not allowing fear to keep you from doing your absolutely Best"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"You know, doing what's right gives you a satisfaction than nothing else can give you"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"When you try to bring all nations together, it is the individual that count"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"It is hard work saving the World
"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Discover how to make your feelings line up with the truth found ina Iceality of Peace"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Peace must be more than a theory or a word; it has to be action. It must be seen and felt. A sustainable global culture of Peace is and has always been an attainable quest for all Living Things - The Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts teaches us how to live in Peace. When we do this, Life is exciting, beautiful and rewarding"  ~ Ambassador Renate  

"Fear is a dead end, but Peace through Iceality always has a future"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Practice Peace through Iceality Aggressively"  ~Ambassador Renate

"Peace through Iceality should be a main theme in out Life"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Iceality calls upon the different political, religious and cultural traditions to join hands and to cooperate with us"  ~Ambassador Renate 

“Sometimes Goodwill is best expressed through service. Words are wonderful, but when you act through Iceality, your commitment to Peace will contain much more than just words"  ~Ambassador Renate"We will favor Peace and Iceality by countering the tendencies of individuals and communities to assume or even to teach that they are inherently superior to others"  ~Ambassador Renate 

“Iceality has brought peace back into the home/family..........where it belongs"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"We must cultivate an Iceality of Peace  which manifests itself into action"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Iceality is the source of helpful sustainable energy"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Iceality will promote dialogue and harmony between and within Religions, Politics and Cultures and Nations"  ~Ambassador Renate  

"To support the iceality of peace, one must have an ulterior motive. Even Mother Teresa had a motive her good works...She wanted to have a (purpose) reason for her Life"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"ICEALITY' is the ultimate form of Simplicity"
"Simplicity”is the ultimate form of Sustainability"  ~Ambassador Renate

“We must show the Worlds Children something about Peace and Iceality, not just tell them about it"  ~Ambassador Renate 

“If your mind is blinded with your worries and fears, your eyes cannot see the beauty of a peaceful world"  ~Ambassador Renate 

you create "peace" with:
your attitude
your behavior
your actions
it's all up to you!

“Don’t be afraid of using Iceality for change because it is always necessary for Peace"  ~Ambassador Renate 

“Peace through Iceality is not a mere feeling. It is a decision about how we will behave and treat All Living Things"  ~Ambassador Renate 

“We develop Peace when we focus on Iceality"  ~Ambassador Renate

“Iceality never fails, Peace is seen in how we treat All Living Things"  ~Ambassador Renate 

“You don't have to wait to feel like showing others Peace—you can do it anytime!"  ~Ambassador Renate 
“The Iceality of Peace is what we all have in common"  ~Ambassador Renate

“Be the person who pours out Peace and Iceality  into the lives of people around you. You may discover how happier you are when you do
~Ambassador Renate

“One thing I learned in 30 years at ICEA is that some fundamental elements of Life, like Energy and Individual Rights, for examples, are universal and cannot be created or destroy, but only manipulated to be controlled. If you gain the Rights to something then consequently someone must lose their related Rights. A simple fact that is easy to learn but hard to practice"  ~Ambassador Renate

"Good things are in store when you understand the power of Iceality"  ~Ambassador Renate  

"The Peace industry is about serving the Worlds Children first and foremost, and hopefully Commerce $econd.” Ambassador Renate 

"It appears that hatred and ignorance is fueled by generations of the Worlds Children who are brainwashed with a few fanatical ideals that are extremely off course with Society's Common Sense Law on the Theory of Iceality ~
These people are victims of the wrong education and they truly believe that they are a good people who are trying to do the right thing and willing to use death as a tool for their noble cause"  ~Ambassador Renate

"Iceality is persistent in our Humanness"  ~Ambassador Renate

"There's no better time to be happy than now. Our life will be always full of challenges and unexpected. It is therefore better to admit it and to decide to be happy despite everything"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Tell me and I'll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Involve me and I'll understand......Building the National Coast-to-Coast 'Great American Peace Trail' to Stem the Violence in America's Youth and Unite America."  ~Ambassador Renate

"In every revolution, there is always one person with a vision"  ~Ambassador Renate   

"The art of healing comes from Nature.   Therefore the Healers must start from nature and Iceality with an open mind"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"You don’t have to live a life filled with hurt, anger, bitterness or resentment. You just have to make up your mind not to"  ~Ambassador Renate 
"....for displaying the imagination and ingenuity that has made the environmental peace movement what is is today"  ~Ambassador Renate 

" Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"The simplicity in your life is found in your dependence on the Theory of Iceality"  ~Ambassador Renate

"Until we're treating All the Worlds Children the way we want to be treated, we don't know enough about Peace"  ~Ambassador Renate 

"Enjoy where you are on the way to where you're going; but keep moving. Don't stop halfway to where you're going with God"  ~Ambassador Renate
Renate Jakupca

"Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace: ICEALITY"  ~Ambassador Renate    

"We can give to those who will give back to us. But we're more blessed when we give to those who cannot;  to neglect compassion is a mistake because it is the source of our own well-being"  ~Ambassador Renate 


“Doctor Abdul Jabbar (Baba) Brohi has been a major pioneer in the practical development and application of the WORLD PEACE DAILY program. Under his leadership the Pakistan World Peace Daily Site has grown to be a global example for others to follow!” ~Ambassador Renate
He has made a lifelong contribution in encouraging organizations, individuals, civic leaders and communities to use the principles of the Theory of Iceality to engage in diverse peace related activities and to engage in practical acts of peace building in Pakistan. Dr. Brohi continues to lead by example, other scholars who enhance the quality of international education in Pakistan."
~Ambassador Renate




Support Pakistani Peace keepers here:

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


‘You cannot buy another planet'

They say that out of the mouths of babes come pearls of wisdom. That was true of the young Germans gathered for a WCPM Global Youth Symposium held in conjunction at the German Central Park during the Cleveland 2017 German American Festival. The goal of the session was to motivate German organizations from the Stadtverband to work with local partners to energize everyone through hands on service.

So it was that the noble speeches by some of our leading politicians were being upstaged by the Worlds Children representing Germany who spoke home truths about immigration, peace, power and corruption in global affairs.

"The Worlds Children are disappointed with you," young Justine from North Royalton scolded the politicians.

"The adults are too concerned about their own money and wealth to think about our future," a 14 year old from Cleveland declared.

Adam from Fairview Park warned….You cannot buy another planet.
When People commit crimes, they are sent to jail.  Why is it so difficult to punish those who harm other people, plants and animals that make up the environment?

"We are tired of wondering whether it will snow during summer." he added, urging the United States and other Nations to get more involved in climate change.

Joining them was Heidi and Ursula from Parma.  They were not too sure about corruption in world politics, but were adamant that "big people must never cheat on the Worlds Children".

Afterwards, they were congratulated by Ambassador Renate, who said:  "If we were to hear All the Worlds Children, and if we were to get them to decide about the destiny of the world, then it is there that we will find the truth and the path with Iceality."

Ambassador Renate was doubtful that the present free-market development model could be reformed adequately without the Theory of Iceality.  She was deeply critical of the poverty caused by "neo-liberal development models imposed by powerful elites and it is unacceptable that 15% of the world's people received 80% of its income".

"Neo-liberalism is inhumane," she said.  "We need to tell the truth, and we can only do this if we have the new political and social morality like that proposed by the Peace Imitative from EXPO 2000 in Germany, the Worlds Children Peace Monument."

The President of the Ohio German American Business Association (OhioGABA), David Jakupca said, 
“The Democrats failed to make positive permanent progress and squandered the eight years under President Barrack Obama. By now, all of the North East Ohio politicians should have endorsed the building of the Cleveland based National coast-to-coast ‘Great American Peace Trail”. But in Cuyahoga County political elites, working hard with greedy business people and unscrupulous investors, are putting private gain before the peace and welfare of the citizens and blocking the public economic development of the region. Now under President Trump, they are practicing a new form of ‘Rocking Horse Policy' where there is lot of waste of time and resources going back and forth without making any real permanent progress….this is No-Way to a sustainable future.  
PARMA Peace Stone
Great American Peace Trail
A special plaque for the Parma Peace Stone was installed during the festival at the Memorial Garden of The German Central Park by Jimmy Halm, the park’s facilities manager.  The Parma Peace Stone represents the German Peace Initiative that was conceived during EXPO 2000, the World’s Fair held in Hannover, Germany. It was designed and built by David Jakupca at the historic ARK in Berea as a project of the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) in cooperation with the United Nations 2000 Culture of Peace Program. The concept of a physical permanent universal symbol of renewal and living peace for all living things was organized in support of the UN Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. The incorporation of the rights of flora and fauna in a "Universal Peace Equation" is the first major change in achieving a sustainable global Culture Peace on Earth in over 2000 Years.
The WCPM was officially inaugurated in 2003 at the 3rd World Peace Conference held in Verbania, Italy where it received an Italian Medal of Arts Award. It was presented as a 'gift' to the people of Cleveland to be located at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens, it was debuted at its present location at Coe Lake Park in Berea, Ohio.

The WCPM Project is to encourage positive community participation through the establishment of international site-specific works of public art, through cultural education and entrepreneurial training to children around the World. The WCPM Appraisal is another step forward to nationalizing ‘Great American Peace Trail’, the coast-to-coast trail of WCPM Peace Stones in city parks designed to stop the violence in America’s youth. The WCPM Appraisal also serves as a milestone for the 'Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts' and that is, promoting a sustainable global Culture of Peace for all Living Things.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ambassador Renate of the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) reacts to Manchester terrorists attack with THIS heartfelt message...

'An attack on innocents': World reacts with shock and horror to Manchester explosion

Ambassador Renate of the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) has joined the outpouring of grief in the wake of the Manchester Arena terror attack to express her condolences to all the victims of the suicide bombing which left 22 people dead.

The First Lady of Peace said in a statement outside the ARK in Berea, expressed her “deepest sympathy” and condemned the “act of barbarity” that targeted some of the youngest people in our society with cold calculation.

The statement says: “All the Worlds Children have been shocked by the death and injury in Manchester last night of so many people, adults and children, who had just been enjoying a concert. “I know I speak for everyone in expressing my deepest sympathy to all who have been affected by this dreadful event and especially to the families and friends of those who have died or were injured.”

“And I would like to express my admiration for the way the people of the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) have responded, with humanity and compassion, to this act of barbarity.”

Pakistani Peace Emissary Baba Brohi also expressed his condolences. In a related statement he said: “I am left shocked and saddened by the tragedy that unfolded in Manchester overnight. Hundreds of parents, Worlds Children, and WCPM partners are sharing unimaginable grief today, and we send our thoughts to them all.”

Ambassador Renate addressed her heartfelt statement to the people using Iceality involved in Arts and Culture. That such a large number of people, including so many young music lovers, the Worlds Children of our Society, lost their lives or have suffered so much in this appalling cultural atrocity is deeply distressing and fills us with intense sadness, especially since the worlds number one tool for social change is the Theory of Iceality that utilizes art and culture.

“Words cannot adequately express what so many families must be feeling at this incredibly difficult time and our most heartfelt sympathy is with all those who have so tragically lost loved ones or who have been affected in some way.” she stated.

The Science behind Peace and Global Harmony is the "Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts". Developed in 1987, it is the practical study on the aesthetics of the relationship between Humans and their Environment through Arts and Culture, ultimately promoting an effective sustainable global Culture of Peace between all Living Things ~ Human, Plant and Wildlife Kingdoms! The incorporation of the rights of flora and fauna in a "Universal Peace Equation" is the first major change in achieving a sustainable global Culture Peace on Earth in over 2000 Years.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Cleveland Fashion Ideas on How to wear Shorts in Spring

Streetfashionista Ambassador Renate @ the 'Q' 
making the shorts-and-tights trend super fancy,
 with Cleveland Cavaliers wine colored tights
 and sequined sweater vest, warm poncho,
newsboy hat and boots. 

For obvious reasons, shorts are traditionally a fashion statement for warmer weather, but here on the North Coast in Cleveland, where a prolonged chilly winter gives way to a late Summer, shorts in Spring can become a necessary fashion item for women who want Winter to end.  

Unlike the Bavarian Lady's who wear short Lederhosen all year round, most Women in Cleveland put away their shorts before the cold fall and winter days, opting for jeans, pants, and tights instead until the hot summer sun prompts us to bring them back out. Except…we don’t really have to do that, because it’s totally possible to wear shorts in the Spring and make them look amazing. And warm, because that is clearly the most important thing on a sunny but cold day in Cleveland.

I’ve seen a lot of people pull off the shorts-and-tights (strumphosen) trend with ease, managing to look put-together and effortlessly styled at the same time. I have tried this myself and I kind of feel like it can be pulled off by anyone who is scared by the idea. But these outfit ideas below might change your mind. From distressed blue denim shorts worn with dainty heels to more formal shorts paired with cardigans, these looks are unexpected, fun, and refreshingly unique during a pre-summer season when it sometimes feel like we’re all too bundled up. 

Here are some fashion ideas on how to wear shorts in spring that will inspire you to take yours out of the drawer before July 4th!

Huggs~  Ambassador Renate 

Katy Mielrose wears a colorful outfit featuring denim and black white spotted tights
Leather always looks good no matter what the season!
Mia Chen sports the glamorous look and stays warm with an over sized scarf to stay warm no matter how cold the winds blow on Play House Square.
You don’t have to do blue or black shorts!
Betty Anderson makes this mauve pair looks awesome with black patterned tights at the Galleria.
Danielle Reedy adding more shorts and tights - love at the Asian Festival! 
Eurostyle Fruhling ensemble from Maria Donnellan at the Library.
Sneakers, poncho, braun kurze hose schwarz strumpfhose
Denim shorts sometimes look better with stocking than with tights.
Karen Davis adds brown booties with a beige jacket, and she has an easy, cozy outfit.
Make your outfit stand out with fancy tights that have an unusual color pattern on them, like India Keyes has with these animal prints. 
Welche Shorts für welche Figur?
So kombiniert ihr Shorts richtig!Inspiration gefällig?
Das sind die schönsten Looks mit Shorts für JEDE Wetterlage!
Kelly Laret - Das ist zwar keine Jeans Shorts, aber die Kombi würde bestimmt
auch mit ner Shorts + Strumpfhose

Heels and booties look good with shorts, but you can go with
white sneakers, which make a good contrast! Tight denim
shorts look very trendy with black motorcycle jacket and
white sneakers, wear a warm sweater,
and you’re good to go.

Terry Campell shows that even super short shorts can work -
especially when you add layers on top.

Looking forward to summertime in the Sun with the dogs.
Becky Hewitt dons the casual look at Breyers Pond and still looks chic.