You are subscribed to the U.S. Network to the International Conference on Brahui Language and Culture. This information has recently been updated, and is now available: Statement by American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca to be presented by Baba Bruhi, Pakistan Peace Emissary on “The Right of People to Feel Proud of the Original Nation to Which they Belong”
January 6, 2015
“The Rights of People to Feel Proud of the Original Nation to Which they Belong”
Culture has been growing since the beginning of Time and the Worlds Children are still practicing it today. Through Iceality, we also learn how to be better people in a Multicultural Society like living together as brothers and sisters with everything else. The Human Spirit is a very complex diverse living enigma. Every individual human has distinguishing feelings, behaviors and traits. It is only through culture where human beings act uniformly and live as a society. Thus, in a simple definition of culture, we all agree that culture is a totality way of life of a certain given society as they live and continue to reside with other Worlds Children.
Brahui traditions and culture is the total way of life that the Worlds Children in the Pakistani Society are blessed with. Brahui Culture is the characteristic of this particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Through Brahui culture they are governed by customs, which are the pillars of their society. If these pillars are not properly followed in their society, it will eventually cease to exist. It’s a gradual way of life of presenting Brahui customs to people who surround us through music, dances, arts, crafts, food, dressing style, languages just to mention a few. The Brahuis have an oral tradition of folk songs and heroic poems. These are sung by a class of minstrels and musicians who are attached to every Brahui community. The threat of extinction to Brahui language is not a mere threat to a language but it is the death threat to the history, cultural, folklore, folk songs and all other cultural treats of millions of people of Balochistan, Sindh, Iran, and Afghanistan. The Brahuis have an oral tradition of folk songs and heroic poems. These are sung by a class of professional minstrels and musicians called Dombs, who are attached to every Brahui community. Moreover, it would be the extinction of the only ancient Dravidian language of Pakistan.
The ways Pakistanis handle their own lives and whatever surrounds them; is actually their culture, and it is that through which they are identified. However, there are many other different cultures from other communities and from other parts of the world which remain to be the part of great adventure and identity to those people who live in Pakistan. It is important to recognize and appreciate their cultures. Wherever you are and wherever you live, your culture is of great value since it is the one which made you to be who you are today. Under no circumstances, should anyone abandon his or her culture because if one abandons his or her culture, they abandon themselves.
It is about time for everyone to protect all what you have in your culture, and whatever is good, should be taken to great heights and you should try your best to eliminate all those practices which are against basic human rights even if they have been practiced in your culture for centuries. “Culture is not static, it changes as the World develops, so let us not be prisoners of our own culture.”For those who have been here for the International Conference on Brahui Language and Culture will agree that this event is about commemorating your culture and other cultures beyond our boarders and beyond our continent. It must be well understood that, preserving the Brahui culture, doesn’t mean to disrespect other peoples’ cultures. Cultures create and develop all the Worlds Children identities.
Today and now, I highly call all students and staffs here to try all your absolute best to love and feel proud of their Brahui culture. This is because it is believed that you will not know the importance of things unless they are lost to you. Through the education that we get here at the International Conference on Brahui Language and Culture, you should enable yourselves to reach the maximum goals of fighting and eradicating poverty, diseases and ignorance which are the challenges facing the Pakistani People. But also it will help to reach the mission and vision of preparing the future leaders of Pakistan and the world at large. Leaders who are responsible, respectful, honest, and kind to all the Worlds Children on our planet Earth because if we destroy it, we also destroy ourselves. ‘I believe that people are not Pakistani because they are born in Pakistan but because Pakistan is born in their hearts’. The International Center for Environmental Arts affiliate in Pakistan World Peace Daily through Peace Emissary Baba Brohi will stand by and support them, in the face of this ongoing hazard.
The Brahui Culture is not sustainable with our environment. The responsibility of preserving your environment is also part of the Brahui History. In the “Theory of Iceality on Environmental Arts” it explains that “…people want to live in Peace with Nature and Art and Culture is the bonding meaningful addition to everything around them," it says. "In this regard, the potential of what Iceality can do hasn't yet been tapped,"Ladies and gentlemen, let me take this opportunity to remind everyone at the Conference to take responsibility in preserving our environment through Iceality, which is exactly what Mother Nature has accomplished for millions of years.
Having said so, I believe that changes can also be brought by you here at the International Conference on Brahui Language and Culture, by working and cooperating with different people, even those who live beyond your shores. Through your talents, ideas and education that we get here at the International Conference on Brahui Language and Culture, we can change yourselves as well as preserve your Brahui society. I truly believe that this young and brave generation will one day make a greater change and make the world a better place for all the Worlds Children.
There are many languages in Pakistan ranging from Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Balochi, Kashmiri, Brahui, Hindko, Shina and Saraik. All these people have their cultures. But you are blessed to be all united by one language, Urdu and one country – Pakistan.
Actually, there is indeed a great need of creating a balance between confirmations of the previous marginalized cultures by supporting each other, and also appreciate the current dominant cultures putting forward and supporting one common language.
Ultimately, to make this long story short, may I call all of us with all love, kindness and sympathy to pray for the 145 people who were killed at the Army Public School and Degree College. God bless Bahui, God bless Pakistan, and God bless all the Worlds Children.
Remember. ان کی ثقافت کو ترک نہیں کرتے بہادر
Peace Friends:
You are subscribed to the U.S. Network to the International Conference on Brahui Language and Culture. This information has recently been updated, and is now available: Statement by American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca to be presented by Baba Bruhi, Pakistan Peace Emissary on “The Right of People to Feel Proud of the Original Nation to Which they Belong”
01/06/2015 04:13 PM EST